I (Finally) Started a Podcast.
Took me long enough.
As it turns out, I may like podcasting more than blogging.
For one thing, I can get a *little* more than 40 words a minute out of my brain by speaking. Go figure.
Also, the fact that podcasts have "episodes" means that there is more built-in pressure to produce them on a more regular basis.
And "podcast host" in my bio differentiates me substantially from the thousands of other "bloggers" out there who are just basically SEO spammers-for-hire.
Anyway, enough rambling, let's get to me rambling.
... you're still here? Fine.
You want to know what my podcast is about? Fine.
It's me, ranting and raving. Specifically, though. Each episode is me *ranting* about something I don't like or find annoying, as well as me *raving* about something I find awesome.
What do I usually rant and rave about? Well, it varies, honestly, but it's been a little heavy on tech platforms recently. The big players, mostly; Spotify, Google, Apple, I'm sure there will be more there.
But, to be clear, over the years, I have ranted many times over many timeless topics like the weather, bad drivers, and pandemics.
Anyway, if you're somehow here and reading this, you should definitely subscribe to my podcast.
That's all for now.